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条 例
第一条 为促进科学技术和生产直接结合,科学技术和其他生产要素优化组合,推动技术、经济的发展,扶植新技术产业开发试验区创建,制定本条例。
第二条 以中关村地区为中心,在北京市海淀区划出一百平方公里左右的区域,建立外向型、开放型的新技术产业开发试验区(以下简称试验区)。
第三条 本条例适用于研究、开发、生产、经营一种或多种新技术及其产品的技术密集、智力密集的经济实体。
第四条 试验区内的新技术企业,经北京市人民政府指定的部门认定后,按照国家有关规定,到工商行政管理部门登记。
第五条 对试验区的新技术企业,实行下列减征或免征税收的优惠:
第六条 试验区内新技术企业的生产、经营性基本建设项目,按照统一规划安排建设,不纳入固定资产投资规模,并简化审批手续,优先安排施工。
第七条 试验区内的新技术企业生产出口产品所需的进口原材料和零部件,免领进口许可证,海关凭合同和北京市人民政府指定部门的批准文件验收。经海关批准,在试验区内可以设立保税仓库、保税工厂,海关按照进料加工,对进口的原材料和零部件进行监管;按实际加工出口数量
第八条 所有减免的税款,作为“国家扶植基金”,由企业专项用于新技术开发和生产的发展,不得用于集体福利和职工分配。
第九条 银行对试验区内的新技术企业予以贷款支持,并每年从收回的技术改造贷款中,划出一定数额用于新技术开发。对外向型的新技术企业,优先提供外汇贷款。
第十条 试验区内设立新技术产品进出口公司。有条件的新技术企业,由北京市人民政府授予外贸经营权,自负盈亏,承担出口计划;经国家有关部门批准,可以在国外设立分支机构。新技术企业出口所创外汇,三年内全额留给企业;从第四年起,地方和创汇企业二八分成。
第十一条 试验区内,对外经济技术交流和产品出口业务较多的新技术企业,其商务、技术人员一年内多次出国的,第一次由北京市人民政府审批,以后由企业自行审批。
第十二条 试验区内的新技术企业,用于新技术和新技术产品开发的仪器、设备,可以实行快速折旧。
第十三条 试验区内新技术企业开发的新产品,可自行制定试销价格。经营国家没有统一定价的新技术产品,可以自行定价。
第十四条 鼓励科研单位、学校和企业中的科技人员在试验区内的新技术企业中兼职,兴办、领办、承包各种形式的新技术企业,或离职到新技术企业任职。有关部门要积极支持并提供方便,保障他们的合法权益。
第十五条 试验区内的新技术企业,免缴奖金税。企业从业人员的收入达到个人收入调节税纳税标准的,照章纳税。
第十六条 试验区内新技术企业所缴各项税款,以1987年税款为基数,新增部分五年内全部返还给海淀区,用于试验区的开发建设,由市财政、税务部门监督使用。
第十七条 北京市人民政府可以根据本条例制定实施办法和单行规定。
第十八条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(Approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China
on May 10, 1988 and promulgated by the People's Government of the Beijing
Municipality on May 20, 1988)
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of facilitating the
direct integration of science and technology with production and the
optimal combination of science and technology with other production
factors, promoting technical and economic development and supporting the
establishment of an experimental area for developing new-technology
Article 2
An area of approximately 100 square kilometres with the Zhongguancun Area
as its centre shall be delineated in the Haidian District of the Beijing
Municipality for the establishment of an export-oriented, open
experimental area for developing new-technology industries (hereinafter
referred to as the "experimental area"). The limits of the experimental
area shall be planned and delineated by the People's Government of the
Beijing Municipality.
Article 3
These Regulations shall apply to technology-intensive and intelligence-
intensive economic entities that are engaged in the research, development,
production and management of one or many types of their new technologies
and the products thereof. The scope of new technologies and the products
thereof shall be separately prescribed by the People's Government of the
Beijing Municipality in accordance with the catalogues drawn up by the
State Science and Technology Commission.
The proportional standards of the technical income, research and
development expenditure and output value of new products of new-technology
enterprises shall be formulated by the People's Government of the Beijing
Municipality in consultation with the State Science and Technology
Article 4
The new-technology enterprises in the experimental area shall, after
confirmation by the departments designated by the People's Government of
the Beijing Municipality, register with the administrative department for
industry and commerce in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the

Article 5
With respect to the new-technology enterprises in the experimental area,
the following preferential treatment in the form of reduction of, and
exemption from, taxes shall be effected:
(1) income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 15 percent. With
respect to an enterprise whose output value of export products amounts to
over 40 percent of the total output value of the same year, income tax
shall, upon verification by the tax department, be levied at a reduced
rate of 10 percent.
(2) a new-technology enterprise shall be exempted from income tax in the
first three years following its inauguration and shall, upon approval by a
department designated by the People's Government of the Beijing
Municipality, be allowed a 50 percent reduction on the basis of the income
tax rates prescribed in paragraph 1 of this Article in the fourth through
sixth years.
(3) a new-technology enterprise may, upon approval by the People's
Government of the Beijing Municipality, be exempted from buying the bonds
for key construction projects issued by the State.
(4) houses of a productive and business nature built for technological
development with self-raised funds shall be exempted from building tax in
the five years beginning from 1988.
The above-mentioned preferential treatment in the form of reduction of,
and exemption from, taxes shall be applicable to the enterprises with
foreign investment established in the experimental area that measure up to
the standards of a new-technology enterprise.

Article 6
The capital construction projects of the new-technology enterprises in the
experimental area that are of a productive and business nature shall be
arranged for construction in accordance with the unified planning. They
shall not be incorporated into the scale of fixed assets investment.
Procedures for examination and approval shall be simplified and priority
shall be given to their construction.
Article 7
No import licence shall be required for imported raw materials and parts
and components that are needed for the production of export products by a
new-technology enterprise in the experimental area and the Customs shall
inspect and grant clearance on the strength of the contract and the
document of approval issued by the department designated by the People's
Government of the Beijing Municipality. Bonded warehouses and bonded
factories may, upon approval by the Customs, be built in the experimental
area and the Customs shall exercise supervision and control over the
imported raw materials and parts and components in the same way as it
deals with imported materials for processing. The Customs shall, based on
the actual processed and exported quantities, grant exemption from import
duties and product tax on the link of import or value added tax. Export
products shall be exempted from export duties. Bonded goods that are to be
shifted to the domestic market shall be subject to the approval of the
original examining and approving department and the permission of the
Customs and the taxes thereon shall be levied in accordance with the
relevant regulations. With respect to products the import of which is
restricted by the State or which are controlled by the State import
licencing system, the procedures shall be made up for to obtain the
document of approval for import or an import licence in accordance with
the pertinent provisions of the State. If a new-technology enterprise is
to import instruments and equipment for the development of new technology
because China is not capable of producing them, they shall, on the
strength of the document of approval issued by the examining and approving
department and upon verification by the Customs, be exempted from import
duties for the next five years.
The Customs may establish an agency or station a supervising group in the
experimental area.

Article 8
The money resulting from the exemption from, or reduction of, taxes shall
be placed on the State Supporting Fund and be used by the enterprises
exclusively for the development of new technology and production and may
not be used for collective welfare or for distribution among the workers
and staff.
Article 9
The banks shall support the new-technology enterprises in the experimental
areas by means of providing loans and shall allocate every year a certain
amount from the repaid loans for technological transformation to be used
for the development of new technology. Export-oriented new-technology
enterprises shall be granted the priority of being provided with loans in
foreign exchange. The banks shall, for three years following the day on
which these Regulations go into effect, appropriate every year a certain
amount of special loans to be used exclusively for the development and
construction (including capital construction) of the new-technology
enterprises in the experimental area. This special fund shall be for the
exclusive use mentioned above and the banks shall control the turnover in
its use. The banks shall arrange every year for the experimental area to
issue a certain amount of long-term bonds to raise funds from society to
support the development of new technology.
A new-technology enterprise may, upon approval by the tax department,
repay the loans it has used before tax. If the loans are to be used for
capital construction, they shall not be restricted by such provisions as
having to be deposited for half a year and longer before they are used.
The banks in the experimental area may draw a certain proportion from
their interest income and found a loan risk fund. Chinese-foreign joint
risk investment companies may be established in the experimental area.

Article 10
New-technology products import and export companies shall be established
in the experimental area. New-technology enterprises that possess the
necessary conditions shall be granted the right to foreign trade business
operations by the People's Government of the Beijing Municipality and
undertake export plans, assuming full responsibility for their own profits
and losses. They may, upon approval by the State departments concerned,
establish branch offices abroad. The foreign exchange earned by a new-
technology enterprise shall be retained entirely by the enterprise for the
first three years and shall, from the fourth year on, be divided between
the local authorities and the foreign exchange earning enterprise, with 20
percent going to the former and 80 percent retained by the latter.
Article 11
With respect to new-technology enterprises in the experimental area that
have relatively many economic and technical exchanges with foreign
countries or relatively much products export business, if their commercial
and technical personnel have to go abroad many times in a year, their
first visit abroad shall be examined and approved by the People's
Government of the Beijing Municipality and the later ones shall be
examined and approved by the respective enterprises themselves.
Article 12
Instruments and equipment that are used by a new-technology enterprise in
the experimental area for the development of new technology and the
products thereof may be granted fast depreciation.
Article 13
New-technology enterprises in the experimental area may fix trial sale
prices for the new products developed by themselves. If they handle the
new-technology products that have not been unifiedly priced by the State,
they may fix the prices for these products themselves.
Article 14
Technical personnel working in scientific research institutions, schools
and enterprises are encouraged to do part-time jobs in the new-technology
enterprises in the experimental area, or launch, lead the running of or
contract various kinds of new-technology enterprises, or leave their jobs
to take up positions in the new-technology enterprises. The departments
concerned shall give them active support, provide convenience and protect
their legitimate rights and interests.
New-technology enterprises shall be permitted to recruit graduating junior
college students, graduating university students, postgraduates, returned
students and foreign experts.

Article 15
New-technology enterprises in the experimental area shall be exempted from
bonus tax. If the personal income of a person employed in such an
enterprise reaches the standard where the regulatory tax for personal
income shall be payable, a tax shall be levied in accordance with the
relevant regulations.
Article 16
With respect to the various taxes paid by the new-technology enterprises
in the experimental area, the whole amount that has been increased on top
of the taxes paid in 1987, which are used as the radix, shall for five
years be returned to the Haidian District. This amount shall be used for
the development and construction of the experimental area and its use
shall be supervised by the municipal financial and tax departments.
Article 17
The People's Government of the Beijing Municipality may formulate
procedures of implementation and specific implementing provisions in
accordance with these Regulations.
Article 18
These Regulations shall go into effect on the date of promulgation.

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第一条 为加大我市招商引资工作力度,提高招商引资项目的质量,强化对招商引资项目的管理,促进招商引资项目“早签约、早开工、早投产”,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称招商引资项目,是指符合国家、省产业政策和产业目录,由域外企业集团、金融投资单位、社会自然人等在我市投资建设对我市国民经济和社会发展有积极影响的项目。

第三条 全市招商引资项目重点领域是:










第四条 全市招商引资项目由丹东市发展和改革委员会(以下简称“市发改委”)负责综合平衡,统一管理。

第五条 全市招商引资项目实行分级征集和统一储备制度。




第六条 凡列入招商引资储备库的项目,实行前期研究工作制度,由项目提出部门按照审批部门要求,依据项目类别,组织具有相应资质的中介机构编制相关要件,并在完成后及时报送市发改委。




第七条 凡完成前期研究工作的储备项目,实行行政许可预批复制度。




第八条 对已完成前期研究工作并获得行政许可预批复的储备项目,由各级发展和改革部门组织有资质的工程咨询专业机构对项目进行评估,并在完成后的5个工作日内报送市发改委。市发改委将依据评估意见,对可行性强、成熟度高的项目进行统一包装、策划。

第九条 全市招商引资项目实行统一编制发布制,每年公开发布一次。每年12月由市发改委提出市级重大招商引资项目,上报市政府审定后,由市招商局编印成册,于次年2月公开发布。

第十条 市招商局负责将公开发布的招商引资项目及时发送到各县(市)区及各专业招商分局,并通过推介会、媒体等方式向社会宣传推介。

第十一条 凡已签约并正式审批的项目,由各级审批部门按月将审批和行政许可情况报送同级发展和改革部门,各级发展和改革部门按月汇总统计后报市发改委。经市发改委核实后,负责从项目储备库中予以更新,实行动态管理。

第十二条 凡正式审批的项目,由市发改委提供给市政府督查室,市政府督查室及时组织召开项目联系会议,将工作责任分解到相关职能部门,协调解决项目推进中存在的问题,直至项目投资全部到位,建成投产。

第十三条 市招商局负责对全市各类招商引资活动项目签约情况进行汇总,及时上报市委和市政府,并抄送市发改委。

第十四条 招商引资项目管理工作所需经费,由各级财政部门依据相关规定提出,按年度纳入各级财政预算,专项安排,并制定经费管理办法。

第十五条 市发改委根据本办法制定具体的招商引资项目管理实施细则,并负责组织实施。

第十六条 本办法自二ΟΟ九年八月一日起施行。

